Mwandishi: The Complete Warner Bros. Recordings
ハービー・ハンコック / Herbie Hancock

ワーナー在籍時の1969年から1972年に発表した3作品「Fat Albert Rotunda」「Mwandishi」「Crossings」をカップリング。BLUE NOTEを離れCOLUMBIAへ移るまでの過渡期といわれる時期に録音、後のハンコックの音楽性が垣間見える2枚組CD。
01. Wiggle-Waggle 5:48
02. Fat Mama 3:48
03. Tell Me A Bedtime Story 5:00
04. Oh! Oh! Here He Comes 4:05
05. Jessica 4:11
06. Fat Albert Rotunda 6:27
07. Lil’ Brother 4:25
08. Ostinato (Suite For Angela) 13:09
09. You’ll Know When You Get There 10:15
01. Wandering Spirit Song 21:25
02. Sleeping Giant
Part One 7:26
Part Two 5:29
Part Three 3:46
Part Four 5:40
Part Five 2:15
03. Quasar 7:22
04. Water Torture 13:56
#01-07 on Disc1 from “Fat Albert Rotunda” WS 1834
Recorded October 4 and 16, November 26 and December 8, 1969 at Van Gelder Recording Studios, Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey
#08, 09 on Disc1 and #01 on Disc2 from “Mwandishi” WS 1898
Recorded December 31, 1970 at Wally Heider Recording Studios, San Francisco, California
#02-04 on Disc2 from “Crossings” BS 2617
Recorded February 15-17, 1972 at Pacific Recording Studios, San Mateo, California
Item Details
Fat Albert Rotunda
Disc1 #02-06
Herbie Hancock: p, e-p
Joe Henderson: a-fl, ts
Johnny Coles: tp, flh
Garnett Brown: tb
Albert “Tootie” Heath: ds
Buster Williams: a-b, e-b
Disc1 #01, 07
Herbie Hancock: p, e-p
Joe Newman: tp(solo Disc#01)
Johnny Coles: tp
Ernie Royal: tp
Garnett Brown: tb
Benny Powell: tb
Ray Alonge: French-hr
Joe Farrell: as, ts(solo Disc1#07)
Joe Henderson: ts(solo Disc1#01), a-fl
Arthur “Babe” Clarke: bs
Eric Gale: g(solo Disc1#07)
Billy Butler: g
Jerry Jermott: e-b
Bernard Purdie: ds
George Devens: perc
Disc1 #08, 09 Disc2 #01
Herbie Hancock Sextet:
Herbie Hancock: Fender Rhodes piano
Buster Williams: b
Billy Hart: ds
Eddie Henderson: tp, flh
Benny Maupin: b-cl, a-fl
Julian Priester: tb
Also appearing:
Leon Chancler: ds, perc
Jose “Cepito” Areas: congas, timbales(Disc1#08)
Ron Montrose: g(Disc1#08)
Disc 2 #02-04
Herbie Hancock: Fender Rhodes electric piano, p, mellotron, perc
Benny Maupin: ss, a-fl, b-cl, picc, perc
Julian Priester: b-tb, t-tb, a-tb, perc
Buster Williams: e-b, a-b, perc
Billy Hart: ds, perc
Eddie Henderson: tp, flh, perc
Also appearing:
Patrick Gleason: moog-syn
Victor Pontoja: congas
Candy Love: vo
Sandra Stevens: vo
Della Horne: vo
Victoria Domagalski: vo
Scott Beach: vo