The Wizard Of Oz: オズの魔法使 オリジナル・サウンドトラック
ジュディ・ガーランド / Judy Garland

1939年に公開されたミュージカル映画「オズの魔法使」のオリジナル・サウンドトラック。「Over The Rainbow」はジュディ・ガーランドの代表曲となり、スタンダード・ナンバーとして多くの音楽家にカヴァーされた。
01. Main Title 1:58
02. Over The Rainbow 2:44
03. Cyclone 2:17
Munchkinland Musical Sequence:
04. Come Out, Come Out… 0:42
05. It Really Was No Miracle 0:59
06. We Thank You Very Sweetly 0:20
07. Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead 0:47
08. As Mayor Of The Munchkin City 0:32
09. As Coroner, I Must Aver 0:31
10. Ding-Dong! The Witch Is Dead (reprise) 0:46
11. The Lullaby League 0:23
12. The Lollipop Guild 0:24
13. We Welcome You To Munchkinland 0:39
14. Follow The Yellow Brick Road / You’re Off To See The Wizard 0:49
15. If I Only Had A Brain (extended version) 3:44
16. We’re Off To See The Wizard (duo) 0:34
17. If I Only Had A Heart (extended version) 3:12
18. We’re Off To See The Wizard (trio) 0:25
19. If I Only Had the Nerve 0:41
20. We’re Off To See The Wizard (quartet) 0:26
21. Optimistic Voices 1:09
22. The Merry Old Land Of Oz 1:52
23. If I were King of The Forest (extended version) 4:16
24. The Jitterbug (outtake) 3:23
25. Ding Dong! Emerald City (outtake) 1:14
26. Delirious Escape (extended version) / Delirous Escape Continued / End Title 3:31
#01: Recorded 5/6/39 and 7/9/39
#02: Recorded 10/7/38
”Introduction To ‘The Rainbow'” Recorded 4/13/39
#03: Recorded 5/6/39
#04-13: Recorded 12/14-16/38, 12/19/38, 12/22/38, and 4/13/39
#14: Recorded 12/22/38 and 4/13/39
#15: Recorded 2/28/39 and 4/11/39
#16: Recorded 10/11/38 and 7/9/39
”Scarecrow To Visit Wizard” (Introduction) (outtake) Recorded 5/8/39
#17: Recorded 10/1/38 and 11/8/38
”Introduction (outtake) And Tag To Tin Man” Recorded 5/8/39
#18: Recorded 10/11/38 and 7/9/39
#19: Recorded 9/30/38 (except for Haley)
#20: Recorded 10/11/38 and 7/9/39
#21: Recorded 5/6/39 and 7/9/39
#22: Recorded 12/28/38, 12/30/38, 1/3/39, and 5/8/39
#23: Recorded 10/11/38 and 5/8/39
#24: Recorded 10/6/38 and 12/22/38
#25: Recorded 5/4/39 and 5/8/39
#26: Recorded 5/8/39
Item Details
#01: The M-G-M Studio Orchestra / The M-G-M Studio Chorus
#02: Judy Garland
#03: The M-G-M Studio Orchestra
Munchkinland Musical Sequence:
#04: Billie Burke / The Munchkins
#05: Judy Garland / Billy Bletcher / The Munchkins
#06: Joseph Koziel (?) / Frank Cucksey
#07: The Munchkins
#08: Billy Bletcher / Pinto Colveg / J. D. Jewkes
#09: Harry Stanton
#10: The Munchkins
#11: Lorraine Bridges / Betty Rome / Carol Tevis
#12: Billy Bletcher / Pinto Colveg / Harry Stanton
#13: The Munchkins
Additional Munchkin vocals provided by
Lois Clements / Zari Elmassian / Nick Angelo / Robert Bradford / Abe Dinovitch / Virgil Johansen / The Debutantes / The King’s Men Octet
#14: Judy Garland / The Munchkins / George Stoll: vn solo
#15: Ray Bolger / Judy Garland
#16: Judy Garland / Ray Bolger
#17: Jack Haley
#18: Judy Garland / Ray Bolger / Buddy Ebsen
#19: Bert Lahr / Ray Bolger / Jack Haley / Judy Garland
#20: Judy Garland / Ray Bolger
#21: The M-G-M Studio Orchestra / The Debutantes / The Rhythmettes
#22: Frank Morgan / Judy Garland / Ray Bolger / Jack Haley / Bert Lahr / Tyler Brook / Ralph Sudam / Bobby Watson / Oliver Smith / Charles Irwin / Lois January / Elivda Rizzo / Lorraine Bridges / The M-G-M Studio Chorus
#23: Bert Lahr / Judy Garland / Ray Bolger / Jack Haley / Buddy Ebsen
#24: Judy Garland / Ray Bolger / Jack Haley / Buddy Ebsen / Bert Lahr
#25: Ken Darby / The M-G-M Studio Chorus
#26: The M-G-M Studio Orchestra